English Lavender Plants. Lavender Angustifolia Munstead. Large 10 Litre
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Beautiful long flowering lavender plants in 10 litre pots. Fully winter hardy to minus 10.
Beautiful long flowering lavender plants in 10 litre pots. Fully winter hardy to minus 10.
Lavender Angustifolia Munstead. AKA English Lavender. Large plants in 10 litre pots: Munstead is a compact growing, upto approximately 50cm with a spread of upto 1 metre, fully winter hardy Lavender. It produces masses of dark purple scented flowers during the summer months. Due to its strong scent it is an excellent choice for pots on the patio or used to create a low growing hedge where the perfume can be appreciated.
What to expect: Big established plants arriving planted in a large 10 litre pots. Depending on the time of year purchased it will look just like the pictures.
Lavandula Hidcote prefers a well-drained neutral to alkaline soil but tolerates acidic conditions. In heavy soil improve drainage, lavender not tolerate water logged ground. Potash will encourage flowering but high nitrogen fertilisers and manure should be avoided as this will result in "floppy" plants.