Pieris Japonica 'Debutante' 5 Litre
Debutante 5 Litre-Highest Quality Beautiful creamy white flowers Evergreen dwarf shrub
Debutante 5 Litre-Highest Quality Beautiful creamy white flowers Evergreen dwarf shrub
Pieris japonica Debutante is a very decorative compact evergreen dwarf shrub with brilliant-white flowering shrub for the spring border. They have attractive shiny evergreen foliage for all year interest. They are slow growing and do well in planters for decking. As with all evergreens, they like acidic soil.
Planting Position: Plant in full sun through to light partial shade. Away from exposed windy sites and extreme frosts
Soil: Suited to Loam and sand, moist but well drained
Suitable for container planting: Yes will grow quite happily in a pot.
Eventual height and spread: Can and often does reach, without pruning a height of 1 metre with a 1 metre spread.
Pruning: Not really necessary but as we touched on above they can be pruned back quite hard to restrict height and spread, this is best done in early spring or during the summer months but not after August.
Growth speed: Relatively quick.
Flowering Period: small white flowers in Spring
Evergreen: Yes
Winter hardy: -5
Pieris japonica Debutante is a very decorative and brilliant-white flowering shrub for the spring border. They have attractive shiny evergreen foliage for all year interest. They are slow growing and do well in planters for decking. As with all evergreens, they like acidic soil.