Acer Palmatum Katsura. 2 Size Options

Acer Palmatum Katsura. 2 Size Options

From  £61.95
Acer Palmatum Katsura. 2 Size Options
Acer Palmatum Katsura. 2 Size Options Acer Palmatum Katsura. 2 Size Options
Quick Overview

Acer Katsura a magificnet small tree for smaller gardens that require some colour for the better part of the year. 

Pot Size - Litre
Pot Size - Litre
Various Options
Anticipated Height
Anticipated Height
Growth Speed
Growth Speed

Acer Katsura: A truly spectacular Japanese Acer, Katsura is a deciduous Acer that has interest throughout the seasons. New spring foliage is pale orange, turning then to warm yellows edged with pinky-orange hues before changing yet again to a bright green colour in summer. Autumn brings another change as the leaves then turn back to rich orange colours.

Acer plants prefer Acid soil although this is not an absolute necessity it will help the plant reach its full potential. If you have unsuccessfully tried to grow Azalea, Rhododendron, Pieris, Camellias the chances are your soil has a high lime content. Soil can be improved by adding Ericaceous compost to the planting hole this will lower the lime content and raise acid. If pot planted best choice is John Innes Ericaceous Compost this is a specially formulated sterilised loam based, lime free compost with essential foods for plants such as Acer Palmatum. Also in the coldest areas it may be advisable wrap the pots in a winter fleece or bubble wrap during the coldest months, this will help protect the roots. Repotting in fresh compost should be considered every 2 years. Ensure an adequate water supply and feed approximately every 6-8 weeks from early spring through to mid-summer.

Grouped product items
UK: Title Size Pot Size Colour Price Quantity
Acer Palmatum Katsura Large Plants. 7.5 Litre
6 In stock
Acer Palmatum Katsura. 10 Litre
17 In stock