Prunus Lusitanica Angustifolia 80/100cm. 10 Litre

Prunus Lusitanica Angustifolia 80/100cm. 10 Litre

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Prunus Lusitanica Angustfolia Hedging plants
Prunus Lusitanica Angustfolia Hedging plants Prunus Lusitanica Angustfolia Hedging plants
97 In stock
Quick Overview

Pot grown established Prunus Lusitanica Angustifolia 10 litre pot. 

Plant Size (cm)
Plant Size (cm)
61cm - 80cm
Pot Size - Litre
Pot Size - Litre
Various Options
Anticipated Height
Anticipated Height
Flowering Colour
Flowering Colour
Growth Speed
Growth Speed
97 In stock

Prunus Lusitanica Hedging 10 Litre 80/100cm - Pot grown bushy plants. Pot Grown Portuguese laurel hedging plants, foliage is smaller and considerably darker, stems also have a touch of red. Adding to the interest this evergreen hedging plant gives a good display of white flowers late spring and early summer, this is followed by black berries in autumn,  not a what you would class as a prolific grower it can still give new growth of 30 to 50cm per season, so can still be classed as very quick. Prunus Lusitanica is hardier than the more common Cherry Laurel varieties, so a good choice for exposed sights our the higher northern areas of the country. Easily maintained, trimming if you wish to restrict height should be carried out approximately late summer. A good plants for all situations from full sun through to light shade, it will tolerate full shade but growth speed will likely be somewhat restricted. 

If i want to make a hedge quickly how many plants can i use per metre?

We recommend two plants per metre, you can of course go tighter than this to create the hedge quicker but in future years when they become established they may become to tight, which can make them look a little untidy.

If left untrimmed how high will they grow?

If left completely to there own devices you could realistically expect heights in excess of 10 metres with a similar spread.

Ive read Prunus doesn't do well in chalky soil is this one suitable?

Yes Prunus Lusitanica will be fine in chalky soil.

Do they need lots of watering?

Not really lots, but obviously like all plants they do need moisture however once established should be able to take as much as they need from the ground.

Are the berries edible?


If they get to big can they be pruned hard?

Yes, once mature they can be pruned back hard in spring, best done before growing commences.

Can i add anything to the planting hole to give the plants a good start? 

Look no further than Osmocote PrePlant currently we are offering 1kg free, enough for 20 plants with purchases of six or more.