Hydrangea Macrophylla Dark Angel Purple 5 Litre
Stunning dark purple lace cap flowers, contrasting with dark green almost black foliage. Supplied in a 5 litre/23cm pot Fully UK hardy
Stunning dark purple lace cap flowers, contrasting with dark green almost black foliage. Supplied in a 5 litre/23cm pot Fully UK hardy
Hydrangea Macrophylla Dark Angel Purple, Lace cap flowers: A relatively new introduction to the Hydrangea Macrophylla family. This exclusive variety of hydrangea, is part of the black diamond series which showcases its dark foliage throughout the year it exhibits exceptional flowering against an attractice dark foliage. The lace cap flowers come in various shades ranging from dark red to dark purple. The foliage ranges from dark green to almost black this creates an excellent contrast with the flower colours. This is a very well branched and rich - flowering plant.
RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Gold Medal
HTA National Plant Show - Best in Category - Visitors vote award best new plant
HTA National Plant Show - Silver Medal New Plant Award
Garden Landscape Amenity Show Ireland Best New Plant
Planting Position: Full sun through to partial shade.
Soil: Moist but well drained, Clay, sand, loam
Suitable for container planting: Yes ideal for both ground and container
Eventual height and spread: Upto 1 Metre with a similar spread.
Growth speed. Slow to medium Growth Habit: Bushy
Flowering period: May to September
Pruning: Generally lace cap Hydrangea are hardier than the mophead varieties and should be cut back to the second pair of leaves below the head, once the flowers have died back, it may also be beneficial to prune one or two of the oldest stems right to the base this will encourage new growth which will be more floriferous.
Foliage: Dark green to almost black with dark red through to dark purple flowers.
Evergreen: No
Hardiness: -10
These Hydrangea are very easy to grow, they tolerate most soils and are equally as happy in sun through to shade, your plant will appreciate some fertiliser in early spring but do not over do it as this may effect the amount of flowers it produces. They will appreciate being cut back quite hard to approximately 12 inches above ground this is best done in early spring, just as the new growth begins and should be cut to the first pair of good buds. This plant needs no special requirements in winter. Please click on the link below for a look at our larger 10 litre plants. Large 10 Litre Hydrangea Dark Purple.
When should I prune back my Hydrangea:
We suggest waiting until Febrary/March when the frosts have gone. The dead flower heads will protect the plant over the winter months. When the frosts have finished cut it back by approximately a quarter and remove any weak or frost damaged shoots to the healthy wood.