Acer Palmatum Bi Hoo Large 80-100cm. 10 Litre
Large Acer Palmatum Bi Hoo. Green foliage in summer and bright yellow stems in winter. Height at maturity approximately 2.5 metres with a similar spread.
Large Acer Palmatum Bi Hoo. Green foliage in summer and bright yellow stems in winter. Height at maturity approximately 2.5 metres with a similar spread.
Acer Palmatum Bi Hoo 10 Litre Large 80-100cm: 'Bi-hoo' is a lovely maple, that gives 4 seasons interest, it is part of our winter collection, along with Going Green and Sango Kaku. all three plants have beautiful coloured stems which stand out during the winter months when foliage has been shed, Bi Hoo's stems are golden yellow. With green summer leaves turning gold to red in autum. The fresh emerging leaves have a touch of pink. With the colourful winter stems, Acer Palmatum 'Bi-hoo' is eye-catching all year round and grows to be a large shrub or very small tree in time, most suited for a position in sun or light, dappled shade with a little shelter from cold winds. Whilst Acer plants are not fully fledged lime hating or ericaceous plants, they do tend to do better when planted in acidic soil, if you are in doubt of your soil type sprinkle some sulphur over the planting area, do this during still weather as it will be in dust form this will lower the lime content and raise acid. If pot planting go for a good quality ericaceous compost.
Planting Position: Will tolerate full sun but does better in lightly shaded areas. Plant away from exposed frosty sites, as late spring frosts may damage new foliage.
Soil: While acer plants are not fully fledged Ericaceous or Lime Hating plants they do prefer soil with a high Acid content.
Suitable for container planting: Yes equally as happy in the pot or the ground.
Eventual height and spread: Upto 2.5 metres tall with a 2.5 metre spread.
Growth Speed: Relatively slow.
Growth Habit: Upright and bushy.
Flowering Period: Not applicable.
Pruning: Not really a requirement. However if you choose to, hard Pruning should be done in the dormant months November through to early February. Some light pruning can also be undertaken during the growing season to help create a defined shape for your plant
Foliage: Starts pink then green with a touch of red then dark red in Autumn
Evergreen: No deciduous
Winter Hardy: Yes
Acer plants prefer Acid soil although this is not an aboslute necessity it will help the plant reach its full potential. If you have unsuccessfully tried to grow Azalea, Rhododendren, Pieris, Camellias the chances are your soil has a high lime content. Soil can be improved by adding Ericaceous compost to the planting hole this will lower the lime content and raise acid. If pot planted best choice is John Innes Ericaceous Compost this is a specially formulated sterilised loam based, lime free compost with essential foods for plants such as Acer Palmatum. Also in the coldest areas it may be advisable wrap the pots in a winter fleece or bubble wrap during the coldest months, this will help protect the roots. Repotting in fresh compost should be considered every 2 years. Ensure an adequate water supply and feed approximately every 6-8 weeks from early spring through to mid-summer