Hosta Plant 3 Litre: Hosta are one of the best foliage plants for light to medium shade, they are deservedly very popular and easy to maintain and grow. These resilient and easy-to-grow plants are available in a wide range of leaf colours, sizes and shapes, here we are offering three popular varieties Halcyon, Wide Brim and Aureoumarginata. Hosta are also highly valued for their flowers, which can often be fragrant. They are fully hadry to minus 15 and more and will do equally as well in pots as the do in the ground. If you are new to gardening whilst these plants are beautiful from late spring through to autumn, it is highly likely they will need protection from slugs.
Aureoumarginata: A herbaceous perennial making a large clumps of heart-shaped or broadly ovate, dark, glossy green leaves, boldly-margined with creamy-yellow. Purple, bell-shaped flowers are borne on erect stems upto 90cm in height.
Wide Brim: A clump-forming perennial with broadly heart-shaped, puckered dark green-blue leaves broadly-margined with creamy-yellow. Funnel-shaped pale lavender flowers on stems to 60cm in summer, very popular.
Halcyon: A compact herbaceous perennial with ovate, thick-textured, vivid blue-grey leaves to 20cm in length. Light greyish-lavender, bell-shaped flowers are carried on stems to 40cm.
What to expect: All varieties are presented in 3 litre/19cm pots depending on the time of year purchased they wll look exactly like the pictures taken Mid May