Cornus Controversa Variegata Wedding Cake Tree. 80/100cm 7.5 Litre
Beautiful Wedding Cake Tree, established plants with a minimum arrival height of 80cm.
Beautiful Wedding Cake Tree, established plants with a minimum arrival height of 80cm.
Cornus Controversa Variegata 7.5 Litre: Controversa Variegata commonly referred to as the wedding cake tree, this is due to the graceful tiered growth habit, foliage is green variegated with white edges, red-purple in autumn, clusters of white flowers are produced in June, over time it can establish into a large tree with heights upto 7 metres wth a spread of around 5 metres, it makes a beautiful focal point for medium to large size gardens,whilst it will tolerate light shade it does better planted in ful sun in moisture retentive soil, despite its delicate looks its extremely hardy to approximately -15
What to expect: Your plant will arrive as an established small tree in a 7.5 litre pot, with heights of approximately 80/100cm excluding the pot, the wedding cake shape develops over time.
For best results plant in full sun in moisture retentive soil, do not allow to dry out whilst becoming established, ideally pruning should not be undertaken, these trees should be allowed to develop a natural shape.