Acer Palmatum Burgundy Lace. 10 Litre - Lovely Plants
Stunning deep red acer plants, established plants with a supplied height of approximately 80/100cm
Stunning deep red acer plants, established plants with a supplied height of approximately 80/100cm
Acer Palmatum Burgundy Lace 10 Litre:: Burgundy Lace as the name suggests a deep red leaved Japanese Maple, colour is not dissimilar to the more commonly known Acer Bloodgood but the leaves are more dissected, these are lovely looking plants, the pictures were taken late May so the plants are now showing full summer colour. Burgundy Lace can develop into a large Acer, reaching heights in excess of 3 metres with a similar spread.
Acer are a relatively low maintenance plant, that even the to the most reluctant gardener can maintain. The main thing to remember, Acer plants do not like lime soil, if pot planting always use ericaceous compost, if ground planting we would also recommend adding ericaceous compost to the planting area and if you are really keen try adding a sprinkle of sulphate of iron annually to the planting area, this will keep acid levels high. Acer do not like to be to wet so do not plant in soil that holds to much water.
Acer plants prefer Acid soil although this is not an absolute necessity it will help the plant reach its full potential. If you have unsuccessfully tried to grow Azalea, Rhododendron, Pieris, Camellias the chances are your soil has a high lime content. Soil can be improved by adding Ericaceous compost to the planting hole this will lower the lime content and raise acid. If pot planted best choice is John Innes Ericaceous Compost this is a specially formulated sterilised loam based, lime free compost with essential foods for plants such as Acer Palmatum. Also in the coldest areas it may be advisable wrap the pots in a winter fleece or bubble wrap during the coldest months, this will help protect the roots. Repotting in fresh compost should be considered every 2 years. Ensure an adequate water supply and feed approximately every 6-8 weeks from early spring through to mid-summer.