Our aim to help the environment

Being a business that aims to brighten up your outdoor environments, our aim to help the environment is also of utmost importance. At our nursery we do our best to take the environment into consideration when making daily decisions.   From the packaging we use through to the care of the plants. As you know plants need water to survive, and since we house thousands of plants here we need A LOT of water. To sustainably water our plants we use rainwater collected by our water tank and water well. Our aim to help the environment We are also in the process of using grey water from the glass house in order to prevent any waste at our Nursery. Our aim to help the environment has also helped us make the decision to use biological controls (aka insects) to fight garden pests (aka other insects) that eat and destroy our plants. our aim to help the environment We introduce Pathogenic Nematodes and Parasitic wasps into the Nursery throughout the Season. We use them to control pests including Aphids who love a warm environment. We do not want to  contaminate the air, ground and water by using chemical pesticides. We are also moving to a more sustainable product base. Our sights are set on being peat free by Autumn 2024 (more about this on “using peat free products is a VERY good thing”), in order to reduce the amount of carbon omitted into our atmosphere when extracting peat for products such as compost. Although we will always strive to be environmentally friendly, the very nature of our business is just that. We supply the country with beautiful plants and in turn fuel our world with the oxygen it needs.  

How we can all help the environment - lets plant trees

As trees grow they help stop climate change by removing carbon dioxide from the air, storing carbon in the trees and soil, and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. It is important we understand how we can all help the environment. It is estimated that an average household emits around four tonnes of CO2 each year.

Some of the benefits why to plant a tree

  • Clean air, producing oxygen
  • Climate change, reducing the overall concentration of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere
  • Energy conservation, trees are a natural air
  • The UK's leadership are promising to plant trees on 30,000 hectares of land per year by 2025, #OneStepGreener
  • We cannot afford to wait to act against the threat of climate change. We must all work together to protect our planet and ensure a greener future, for all of us.

The importance of the Woodland Trust

Let's plant trees.   The Woodland trust was formed in 1972.   Their aim is to protect woods and trees in the UK so we can enjoy a healthier future. For example, the more trees we plant in cities, the cleaner our air becomes.   They create wildlife rich woods that we can all explore. It is important we all support the trust.   Join the movement of 300,000 plus individuals supporting the cause.

Contact us

We hope you have found our post covering Our aim to help the Environment useful. If you do require further information please do not hesitate to contact us.