Magnolia Genie 80/100cm. 10 Litre
Beautiful established Magnolia Tree, Magnolia Genie Large Purple Flowers, mid spring.
Beautiful established Magnolia Tree, Magnolia Genie Large Purple Flowers, mid spring.
Magnolia Genie 80/100 10 Litre: Magnolia Genie a relatively new introduction originating from New Zealand. Genie has large deep red, almost black buds that open into medium-sized flowers with 6-12 petals upto15 cm wide, flowers are cup shaped almost lotus like. Flowering period can depend on winter weather but usually occurs in mid magnolia season, so approximately late March into April and can on occasions continue into summer when it offers a few extra flowers on the background of deep green, healthy foliage, during good years it can flower again late summer. It grows slowly to a relatively modest 3m tall and wide in a regular pyramidal shape. Our Genie Magnolia will flower from year one. Deciduous magnolias are quite easy plants that you should refrain from pruning. All they need is light, well-drained, acidic soil and of course moisture. Once established they can do with occasional drought but will not look as nice as the ones with regular watering.
What to expect: Magnolia of course look different depending on the time of the year, the first picture was taken in December so the plants are completely bare. Height currently is around 80/100cm excluding the pot, if purchased after mid January onwards the plants will arrive with buds, flowers or leaves.
Planting position: Magnolia Genie prefer a good sunny spot but will cope well with light partial shade. Preferably plant somewhere away from exposed windy sites and somewhere that avoids frost as much as possible, this is more important in early spring than during the winter as late harsh late frosts may damage furry buds and the flowers.
Soil: Whilst most Magnolia prefer an acidic soil this variety will adapt to most soil types. Ensure the planting area has a good supply of water and does not dry out totally or become waterlogged.
Suitable for container planting: Yes can adapt to being grown in a pot.
Eventual height and spread: In absolute ideal conditions upto 3 metres with a similar spread.
Pruning: Not really a necessity, if you choose to it should be done in Mid-summer when the tree is in full leaf. Any broken or damaged branches can be removed as they occur.
Growth speed: Slow
Growth Habit: Bushy/ Pyramid like
Evergreen: No deciduous
Flowering Period: Produces stunning largepurple flowers in April, and occasionally again late August leaves arrive towards the end of the flowering period
Foliage: Mid to dark green large leaves.
Winter hardy: Yes
A relatively easy plant to maintain, that has no real specific requirements. When preparing your hole add some well rotted manure or a loam based compost this will help the plant adapt to its new surroundings quicker, also ensure your plant is planted at the same depth as it is in the pot. Like all new plants ensure a good water supply until established.
Q: Will Magnolia Genie grow in lime soil?
A: Yes but the flowers can become small and rather insignificant, try treating the planting area annually with sulphate of iron this will raise acid in the soil and will help the tree adapt.
Q: Are Genie ok for planting in pots?
A: Yes they are a relatively slow grower reaching modest heights of only around 3 metres so a good choice for a pot, be aware pot planting may also restrict height.
Q: The page says they may flower twice in a good year, whats a "Good" year?
A: That relates to the summer weather, if we have a long warm summer and the plant gets plenty of moisture that would be a good year.